2003APR13 - 2 McIntyre Court

AUS QLD Townsville 20034APR13 FLUX House 001  Fluxy and Payney's little tacker in the pool. : 2 McIntyre Court, 2003, April, Australia, Date, Month, Places, QLD, Townsville, Year  AUS QLD Townsville 20034APR13 FLUX House 002  Payney and Fluxy doing the "bronzed Aussie" thing. : 2 McIntyre Court, 2003, April, Australia, Date, Month, Places, QLD, Townsville, Year  AUS QLD Townsville 20034APR13 FLUX House 003  Fluxy and his (then) bride to be Sonya. I know why he married her, two words - DRINK GODDESS!!! : 2 McIntyre Court, 2003, April, Australia, Date, Month, Places, QLD, Townsville, Year  AUS QLD Townsville 20034APR13 FLUX House 004  After 33 hours of airlines & airports, it took only an hour of arriving at my final destination for me to be in the pool with an ice cold beer. : 2 McIntyre Court, 2003, April, Australia, Date, Month, Places, QLD, Townsville, Year  AUS QLD Townsville 20034APR13 FLUX House 005  We wouldn't want to hang out at the beach, Greenpeace would try and roll the three of us back into the surf if we stayed still for any length of time. : 2 McIntyre Court, 2003, April, Australia, Date, Month, Places, QLD, Townsville, Year